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Romanian star Gypsy folk singer runs for Social Democrats in local elections

Romanian star Gypsy folk singer Adrian Simionescu, famous in Romania under the stage name of Adrian the Wonder Child (Adrian Copilul Minune), is running for the opposition Social Democrats for a seat as town councilor in Stefanesti, Ilfov county near Bucharest, where he’s been residing, PSD Ilfov leader Gabriel Oprea told Romanian news agency NewsIn.

Adrian Minune, who made appearances in director Tony Gatlif his film Gadjo Dilo and in Romanian film „Fury” (Furia), was certain to win in the local elections due to take place next month, Oprea said. Oprea said Minune was „loyal” to his community and his candidacy was his own and Stefanesti mayor’s initiative.

Adrian Minune performed in a show organized to mark the launch of PSD candidates for the county of Ilfov on Saturday.