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Romanians in Italy to protest discriminatory treatment

Rome mayor Walter Veltroni has been taking a tougher tone in his discourses on Romanian citizens living in Rome after the Nomentano incident, where one Romanian was killed. He said on September 28 that 75.5% of the people arrested in the capital of Italy are Romanians, according to Ansa news agency.

He also warned that unless authorities in Romania take all necessary measures he would address the issue to European officials and ask them to strengthen control over migrants coming from Romania.

On the other hand, Italian extremist parties such as Alleanza Nazionale organize demonstrations on a daily basis against Romanian migrants „invading the city”.

Veltroni has even visited Romania in June this year to talk with Romanian authorities about the problems posed by migrants. At the time, the concern was centered upon the gypsies of Romanian origin living in Rome.

The mayor asked for Romanian authorities support in setting up a homeless shelter for the gypsies found on Rome’s streets.

But now, more and more ethnic Romanians in Italy claim they feel discriminated against by Italian politicians, media and employers.

According to statistics provided by Italian trade unions, 70% of reports against unfair bosses came from foreign workers, the majority of which were Romanians.

The Romanian Party in Italy has adressed a letter to Corriere della Sera newspaper warning that Romanians themselves are most often the victims of Romanian criminals in Italy. The letter said that the Italian press needs to inform the citizens of the country in an objective and fair manner.

Party representatives say the press is clearly biased when presenting the news where Romanian citizens are involved.

Party president Giancarlo Germani said Veltroni only made a big fuss out of the issue, but he did not take any concrete actions.

He added that the party would organized a protest on Wednesday, October 3 in front of City Hall in Rome.

The Party plans to propose a permanent round table talk with Romanian representatives.