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Romania's commercial deficit dropped 6.8 billion euros in the first 2009 semester

Romania’s commercial deficit went over 4.34 billion euros in the first half of the current year, dropping 61.2%, namely 6.85 billion euros against the same period of 2008. The imports saw an accentuated decrease compared with the exports, according to the National Institute of Statistics.

During the first half of the year, exports exceeded 57.4 billion lei – 13.5 billion euros – and imports went over 75.7 billion lei, namely 12.9 billion euros. Comparing the present figures with the first 2008 semester, exports dropped 8% if considered in lei but 20.3% if considered in euros, and imports shrank by 26.8% if considered in lei, but 36.6% if considered in euros.

The first semester of 2009 saw the value of the goods’ exchange with the European Union rising to 74.4% for the total number of exports – 42.7 billion lei and to 73.7% for imports – 55.7 billion lei.

The commercial deficit went over 2.8 billion lei in June – 668.3 million euros – dropping 4.8 billion lei against the same period last year.

May say the commercial deficit decreasing to 704.7 million euros, dropping from 1.83 billion euros, meaning a 61.5% reduction against the same month last year.