UPDATE All 28 suspects in the corruption case at the Port of Constanta received temporary arrest warrants including former Interior ministry secretary general Laurentiu Mironescu
The 28 suspects in the corruption case in the Port of Constanta received, on Wednesday morning, temporary arrest warrants for 29 days. They are accused of traffic of influence, bribe taking and offering and organized crime. Among those arrested is former Interior Ministry secretary general Laurentiu Mironescu.
The decision is not final and lawyers of those arrested already appealed the decision. Among those arrested are former Ports Department chief Liviu Bogatu, Constranta Sud Agigea customs chief Liviu Durbac and his deputy Aurelian Pilca. PDL Senator Mircea Banias is not allowed to leave the country for 30 days.
In this file anti graft prosecutors investigate for corruption acts related to import-export activities from outside the EU through customs offices in Constanta.