VIDEO Metallica a lansat piesa Hate Train
Compusa pentru discul Death Magnetic, melodia Hate Train nu a mai fost inclusa in cele din urma pe album. Metallica a interpretat piesa in premiera saptamana aceasta, cu ocazia unui concert aniversar sustinut de trupa la implinirea a 30 de ani de existenta, scrie
- Vezi mai jos versurile piesei Hate Train.
In decembrie 2011, Metallica implineste 30 de ani de existenta. Momentul este sarbatorit prin patru concerte sustinute la Filmore (San Francisco), doar pentru membrii fan clubului Metallica. Evenimentele ar putea beneficia si de prezenta unor invitati surpriza, precum Ozzy Osbourne si Lemmy (Motorhead).
Primul dintre cele patru concerte a avut loc pe 5 decembrie si a beneficiat de interpretarea, in premiera, a melodiei Hate Train. O varianta de studio a piesei a fost trimisa pe email tuturor membrilor fanclubului Metallica, fiind apoi incarcata pe YouTube (dupa concert).
Metallica a mai lansat luna aceasta si un videoclip alaturi de Lou Reed (Velvet Underground), pentru piesa The View. Melodia este inclusa pe discul Lulu, despre care James Hetfield a declarat ca NU trebuie considerat „noul album Metallica”. Materialul nu a fost bine primit de fanii Metallica, Lulu fiind catalogat drept una dintre marile dezamagiri din istoria muzicii. Detalii aici.
In 2012, Metallica va sustine un turneu in Europa, desi initial ar fi trebuit sa cante abia in 2013. Motivul devansarii turneului: criza monedei euro. Detalii aici.
Metallica – Hate Train
„Hate is a train
That thunders aimless through my head
And hate is the fame
Chained to the wheel until I’m dead
Rage is a flame
Creates a touch to boil the seas
And rage is to blame
Forever sorry I shall be
And from a darkness I descend
Clenching a torch of sweet revenge
You took away tomorrow, still I stand
I ride into the sorrow, still I stand
You took away tomorrow, still I stand
Straight down into the sorrow, but still I stand
Wrath is the name
Branding suffer onto you
And wrath takes the shame
And holds me down until its through
And from a darkness I descend
Clenching a torch of sweet revenge
You took away tomorrow, still I stand
I ride into the sorrow, still I stand
You took away tomorrow, still I stand
I sink into the sorrow, but still I stand
And hate is a train
A beast awakened by your call
And hate is a train
A beast that never slows at all
And from a darkness I descend
Clenching a torch of sweet revenge
Burst into flame, the bitter end
And shake the gates of hell again
I’m left to drown in sorrow…
You took away tomorrow, still I stand
I ride into the sorrow, still I stand
You took away tomorrow, still I stand
You left me here with sorrow, still I stand”