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What the newspapers say: December 11, 2007

Newspapers on Tuesday read that a court in Western Romania has ruled that the first car registration tax applied by the government against EU standards starting this year was illegal. On the political side, the newborn Democratic Liberal Party present their political program and organizational structure. One newspaper continues its series of revelations about how a huge price was set for the construction of a highway. And another reports that many Romanian women would rather give birth in Hungary.

Gandul reads that a Romanian man sued the Romanian state after he was forced to pay 2000 euro for the first car registration tax for his second hand car brought from Austria.

The judges ruled that the first car registration tax Ilie Iluna had to pay was illegal as the Romanian law does not comply with European standards. Thus, Iluna will receive his money back even though last week, Economy Minister Varujan Vosganian argued that the money collected on the tax cannot be legally returned.

Moreover, he added that the government will change its legislation by February when the European Commission will decide whether Romania complied with the norms and whether or not the case needs to be forwarded to the European Court of Justice.

Evenimentul Zilei adds that the man was convinced to sue the state by his friend, a lawyer, after he paid the first car registration tax.

Thus, a 27 year old attorney managed to prove that the government of PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu imposes an illegal tax even though European officials have long been pushing the government to comply with EU legislation.

As the trial was won, several other citizens appealed to their lawyer to sue the Romanian state to receive the first car registration tax back which for some amounts to 7000 euro.

On the political stage, the newly born Democrat Liberals (PD-L) present their political progam and organizational structure, Romania Libera informs.

Thus the new party will position itself on the center right of the political spectrum and remain an affiliate of the EPP in the European Parliament.

Regarding the organizational structure, the new party will have no less than 25 vice presidents, among which controversial former presidential aide Elena Udrea, Cotidianul reads.

Thus, the Liberal Democrats (PLD) and the Democrats (PD) when deciding to merge into the Democrat Liberals (PD-L), just melted together all vice presidents and party secretary generals.

Elsewhere in the papers today, EvZ continues its campaign of revelations about the huge money Romanian authorities have to pay for the construction of a highway. According to the paper, consulting company Search Corporation was the one to have set a price that can get as high as 25 million euro per kilometer of road for the portion of highway between Comarnic and Brasov in central Romania.

Also in the papers, Romania libera reports that still more women from Western Romania are choosing to give birth in hospitals across the border, in Hungary, because medical standards there are way better and risks of medical complications are considerably lower. That comes despite considerable higher prices in Hungary, where a normal intervention costs between 1,200-1,400 euro, way more than in Romania where most of the money goes on bribing doctors and nurses.