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What the newspapers say: December 9, 2009

As the Social Democrats contest the elections results at the Constitutional Court, they can throw Romania in an economic tsunami. Another newspaper reads about the necessary conditions for the Court to decide that new elections should take place. Also about elections, one newspaper reads that statistics reveal that in the second round neither the Social Democrats nor the Liberals bothered to send representatives abroad, even though the diaspora decided the winner. Elsewhere in the news, some 150,000 budgetary personnel will be laid off next year but what will they do?

Romania libera reads that the decision of the Social Democrat Party to contest elections will postpone the political instability and the country’s recovery from the economic crisis. Even more, if the decision is approved, it might throw Romania in an economic tsunami.

The newspaper reads that contracted loans will get more expensive, the Romanian leu will lose to the euro and the IMF agreement will be at risk. American experts, quoted by the newspaper, read that the country can even face uprisings as the number of unemployed might reach 1 million next year.

On the same topic, Gandul reads about the necessary conditions needed for the Court to decide in favor of the Social Democrats: the Social Democrats need to come with clear evidence and the difference between the two candidates is only 70,048 votes.

Constitutional Court judge Ion Predescu declared for the paper that the contestation can be approved only if the Social Democrats can prove that the frauds influenced the final vote and the order of the candidates.

Each fraud allegation needs to be proved by clear evidence, he added. Several Social Democrats declared this week that frauds exceed 136,000 votes and that they will prove it.

Nonetheless, the Central Electoral Office declared that two contestations submitted by the Social Democrats could be real and so the allegations will be sent to the Constitutional Court.

Still about elections, Cotidianul reads that both the Social Democrats and Liberals ignored the diaspora in the second round of elections and did not even send representatives abroad. The vote cast by Romanians living abroad did make a notable difference as they were the ones to decide the winner.

When prompted by journalists, Central Electoral chief for the foreign voting sections declared that all their representatives refused to come for the second round. As for the Democrat Liberals, even if some did not make it, they have been replaced by others, he added.

The Liberals confirmed the absentees and motivated on financial resources.

Elsewhere in the news, Cotidianul reads about the 150,000 budgetary personnel about to be laid off in 2010 and their chances to find another job. The paper reads that they chances are minimal: they might have a chance in companies looking for people who know well bureaucratic mechanisms and can deal with state institutions.

The 0.5% economic growth forecasted for next year will not manage to insure that those laid off will be able to find a thriving private sector. The IMF agreements convey the lay off of about 150,000 people working in state institutions of which 10,000 will come from the 220 agencies to be restructured in January.