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What the newspapers say: February 1, 2010

A Romanian citizen received the biggest inheritance in Romania: 63,000 acres of forest, one newspaper reads on Monday. Elsewhere in the news, Romania became the new heaven for French students wishing to study medicine but fail their exams in their home country. Last but not least, Romanian poor families receive money to allow experiments on their children with the AH1N1 vaccine. The 30 year old Romanian with adverse reactions after the AH1N1 vaccine was transferred to Hungary.

Romanian Teodor Nastase, descendant from a rich family, received the biggest patch of forest in Romania: about 63,000 acres representing 10% of a city in Romania, Gandul reads. With a genealogical tree, Teodor Nastase proved that he is entitled to the forest.

Therefore, a local judge ruled that he is indeed entitled to get the forest pertaining to his family once. However, the decision is not final yet. It is a first in Romania, as it’s the first time a judge gives out such a biggest inheritance.

The decision was based on the man’s genealogy tree starting off since 1723 and passing through archives to prove that Nastase is the rightful owner of the heritage. If the decision will be fianl, it is almost impossible to implement it because most terrains pertain to other citizens be it individuals or institutions, companies.

Most of the forest pertains to the state and the land also hosts to natural reservations in the area. In any case, the documents are real and most of them come from the state’s archives which undeniably portray the roots of the man’s family.

Also in the news, Romania became the new heaven for French students who fail their medicine exams in their country and flee for Cluj University, central Romania, Gandul reads. French newspaper Le Figaro reads that there is a plan B for those who fail their exams at medicine: hundreds of French students arrive in Cluj to obtain a degree in Romania.

Currently, there are almost 300 students studying in Cluj, central Romania and the university plans to attract even more. In 2000 the university started a section in French which attracted French students.

In Romania, most French students are accepted since they do not have to pass an admission exam. Taxes are 5,000 euro per year and 70% of the classes are mandatory in Cluj. After their studies, most of them prefer to go back to France where their studies are accepted.

Romania libera reveals after a journalistic investigation that the Romanian made AH1N1 vaccine, Cantgrip, is tested on over 400 patients in West Romania in sketchy conditions. Children coming from poor families are exposed by doctors and parents alike to some unknown risks, for the sake of money. Their parents receive about 600 euro in return.

According to officials, the Romanian vaccine is in its final testing procedures on 400 children in West Romania. However, that remains uncertain, the newspaper reads, is that authorities did not publish the conditions and procedures for testing children: whether families receive money – with what right, whether they are aware of the possible adverse reactions to the vaccine.

Officially, parents do not receive compensation but unofficially, they do. Local officials contradict each other in declarations and the information is most of the times misleading and confusing, claiming that the study is confidential.

Evenimentul Zilei reads about the 30 year old Romanian with adverse reactions to the AH1N1 vaccine who was transferred to a clinic in Hungary. Geta Catrinta accused headaches, fever and partial paralisis of her legs after she was vaccinated.