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What the newspapers say: February 15, 2010

In politics today, the two competing candidates to the supreme function in the Social Democratic Party meet today in a National Executive Committee to decide on Monday where to organize the Congress on February 20. Elsewhere in the news, former military personnel will request NATO to compel national authorities not to decrease their pensions. French officials had enough of Rroma children on their streets. Last but not least, Romanian movie When I want to whistle, I whistle was well received by critics at the Berlin Film Festival.

Evenimentul Zilei reads on Monday about the plans of former military personnel to urge NATO to compel the national government to maintain their pensions. Dissatisfied with the government’s decision to cut their pensions, retired military personnel plan to do whatever they can to maintain their privileges.

President of the military union Mircea Dogaru declared that the army’s commander is NATO, not Romania’s President. He added that the government’s move will be unique in the world, as the military have a special statute due to their occupation.

Meanwhile, retired military pressure the government to maintain their current pensions which, on average are at about 2,000 lei monthly. Hundreds of military personnel plan to sue the government, individually claiming that the military work 24 hours a day, they do not have holidays nor an eight hour shift.

In all NATO or EU member states, military retired personnel are treated differently then civilians, through special laws or special chapters in the pension law.

Gandul reads about one important confrontation between the two Social Democratic candidates for the party’s presidency: leaders of the party are due to meet today in a National Executive Committee to decide where to organize the Congress.

The two main counter candidates, Mircea Geoana and Adrian Nastase will meet after a mini tour in the country to promote their political projects. Sustained by vice presidents Constantin Nita, Dan Nica and Marian Vanghelie and most of the local party organizations, Geoana plans to have closed votes at the Congress, a vote on teams.

On the other side, Nastase endorsed by Ion Iliescu, Cristian Diaconescu, Miron Mitrea and others wants to organize a vote on functions. The two camps will confront in the meeting today on the issue of the location.

In the meeting today, local party presidents are expected to vote on the representation norm of the delegates at the Congress. The dispute refers to the number of delegates the local organization in Bucharest should have considering that its leader, Marian Vanghelie endorses Mircea Geoana.

French authorities have had enough Rroma children on their streets: Cotidianul reads that French and Romanian authorities decided to collaborate to control the traffic of gypsies between the two countries. The French program designed to financially aid Rroma people to return to Romania did not have the expected results.

In 2009, of the 8,000 Rroma sent home with 300 euro about two thirds returned to France. PM Emil Boc declared that he will assign a state secretary to socially integrate the Rroma in their communities and send some police officers and magistrates to France to help local authorities.

Cotidianul reads that 40% of the Rroma arrested in 2009 for various felonies in Paris were underage.

Gandul quotes Florin Serban, the young Romanian director whose movie competes with Roman Polanski’s movie in the Berlin Film Festival, saying that the movie was well received. Foreign journalists, he said, were interested in the social component of the movie and were curious to know whether the movie reflects reality.

Screen Daily reads that the movie has an exceptional quality and despite some problems, is more authentic than other similar movies made by more experienced directors. Hollywood Reporters however reads that the movie is minor.

Variety writes that Florin Serban controls the action in an admirable way.