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What the newspapers say: February 25, 2010

Most newspapers on Thursday read about PSD Cristian Diaconescu’s decision to leave the party and join the Independents group in the Senate. In the same vein, one newspaper foresees a dismantle within the Social Democratic Party as others are lured by the Democrat Liberals with ministerial positions. Analysts consider professors as the Cinderella of the post-revolution period because they are not united, however unions warn that this year will be different. On a lighter tone, the biggest mall Sun Plaza opens today in Bucharest.

Evenimentul Zilei claims that Iliescu’s party dismantled for the third time in the 20 years history of the political party founded by Iliescu. With Diaconescu’s leave and his association to Gabriel Oprea to set up a new left wing party, the dismantle of the leftist party in Romania seems close indeed.

According to some sociological studies, a new leftist party is expected by 7% of the electorate, the newspaper reads. Over last year, there were plenty of Social Democrats that left the party, dissatisfied with what was happening.

With the image of Cristian Diaconescu and Marian Sarbu, a new party might be a serious competitor on the political scene. According to the IRES study, 40% of the Romanians expect a new leftist party.

In the same vein, Evenimentul Zilei reads about PSD Marian Sarbu, father in law of the new PSD President Victor Ponta, and his negotiations to occupy a position in the Democrat Liberal government.

Sources quoted by the newspaper revealed that Basescu is attempting to lure Sarbu to occupy the Labor Ministry position. When Democrat Liberals were forming their government, Sarbu declared that he is ready to occupy the Labour ministry position, if his party will agree with it. However, at the time, the party rejected the proposal.

Another Social Democrat, PSD deputy Catalin Chereches announced that he withdrew from the party and joined the independents group. Time will tell whether the Social Democrats will manage to keep the party united.

Cotidianul reads that professors were the Cinderella of the whole post-revolutionary period because they were not united but unions declared that this year it will be different. According to the intent letter sent by Romania to the IMF, the Boc government assumes to cut by 0.2% of GDP with budgetary salary spending.

Almost half of the laid off personnel will be professors: 15,000 professors will be laid off this year. It is clear that at this time, there are people in the government that do not like school, union leader Marian Nistor reads.

Analyst Serbanescu Ilie considers that the decrease of the IMF burden was made mainly with the announcements of lay offs in the education sector. Analyst Bogdan Teodorescu agrees and claims that the current government shows a disregard towards professors.

Gandul reads about the biggest mall in Bucharest which opens today, Sun Plaza with a constructed surface of 210,000 sq. meters, the equivalent of 20 football fields. 80,000 sq. metes are open for rent – this makes the mall the biggest in the country.

However, the record will only last 2 years until the Pallady Shopping Center will be opened with a commercial surface of 100,000 sq meters. Sun Plaza is bigger than AFI Palace Cotroceni, where the commercial surface is only 76,000 sq. m.