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What the newspapers say: March 5, 2010

Citizen Isarescu, under disguise was humiliated by a public servant in an institution: read why Romanians hate public servants.Elsewhere in the news, the Airbus elements factory nearby Brasov, central Romania will generate about 700 jobs in 10 years. Social Democrats seek to close Brussels doors for the future political party set up by the independents group. On a lighter tone, Bucharest enters the Slow Food map in Eastern Europe.

Gandul reads about citizen Isarescu (Romania’s National Central Bank governor) and his experience in a public institution. As a simple citizen, Isarescu undergoes extraordinary experiences in a public institution, as he was humiliated.

Isarescu is a wine producers, known in the branch and his wines, produced in Dragasani are ordered by luxury restaurants. As a wine producer, Isarescu is obliged to declare the wine quantity on various categories. In the public institution he was humiliated by the public servant when Isarescu asked what they were doing.

His experience brings to the fore a problem in the Romanian bureaucratic system. The relationship between public servants and citizens is one of pure, reciprocal hatred, as the latest survey read. 40% of the Romanians consider that of the public servants, doctors should receive more money and only 1 citizen of 200 would give public servants in ministers higher salaries.

There us a manner’s guide of public servants, approved by law in 2004 but nobody respects it, the newspaper reads. Union leader Vasile Marica declared that the code is not respected, like many other laws.

Elsewhere in the news, Gandul reads about the Airbus factory at Ghimbav, nearby Brasov, that will generate about 700 jobs in 10 years. Local authorities signed an agreement with the German Premium Aerotec company, to build a factory of Airbus components at Ghimbav. The investment is estimated at 90 million euro.

PM Emil Boc declared that the project is very important for Romania and for the region as well and the presence of the foreign company is a strong signal for other investors. The factory will create about 700 jobs. The first capacity of the factory will be functional in September this year when the first 300 employees will be hired.

The government will sustain the investment with a state aid of 21.3 million euro for the 90 million euro investments. The aid will be offered in cash, directly, as the investment will start.

In politics, Social Democrats seek to cut any links with Brussels to the new possible leftist party which the Independents are planning, Evenimentul Zilei reads. PSD leader Victor Ponta met with leaders of the European Socialist Party to seek their support to cut the political migration phenomenon, which in Romania is masked under the independent tag.

If independents will attempt to affiliate to the European party, Ponta wants the latter to reject any request of this sort. The European political model does not encourage betrayal, Ponta said.

Evenimentul Zilei reads that the Peasant’s Market was accredited by Earth Market and became the first tourist market in Eastern Europe, part of the international network Earth Markets. Currently, Earth Market is formed by 10 local fairs in Italy, Israel, India and Romania. Saturday, Earth Market will open its gates in Bucharest, at the Ark Merchandise Market in Calea Rahovei.

Earth Market is a place where people can buy only traditional products, where producers and consumers meet to discuss about slow food. Bucharest thus receives another important tourist place – a place where Romania’s regions and its biodiversity are celebrated.

Earth Market will be important for those who appreciate slow food and for tourist who visit the capital city and seek unbeaten paths.