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What the newspapers say: Monday, March 8, 2010

Romania becomes the target of xenophobic attacks after a Romanian kills a stewardess in Copenhagen. Elsewhere in the news, Leukaemia patients from Romania are constraint to national treatment. Last but not least, ex-Romanian president Ion Iliescu (PSD) called the Soviet army to intervene in the 1989 Revolution, a Polish document reveals.

Romania becomes the target of xenophobic attacks after Romanian Mariab Clita kills a stewardess in Copenhagen, the national press reads. According to Romania Libera, Danish Ekstra Bladet tabloid, quoted by, described Romania as „Europe’s dead end” and the Bucharest – Copenhagen bus route, as „a real pipe for gangsters from Romania. The hold of the bus is always full of stolen goods”. And Bucharest is the city “where not even lice survive”.

Danish authorities were tuned to the same song: MP Tom Behnke form the Conservative Party declared that „all cars coming from the East, from Romania, need be searched”. Three high Danish Police officials described Romania as the country of dangerous criminals. Manslaughters Department Chief Ove Dahl said „Romanians lack scruples. They kill even for 100 Krones (15 euros). Their culture is completely different”. He’s the one in charge of Marian Clita’s case.

Sources quote Dahl claiming that „the main problem is the open borders, through which Eastern Europeans invade us. They commit bank robberies, break into houses, serious thefts, beg and break into stores – everything!” Dahl’s gesture was mirrored a Copenhagen police branch chief in Dan Sorensen, according to whom Romanian immigrants committing crimes are more numerous than other immigrant criminals. He said the problem with Romanian nationals amplified after Romania joined the EU. „Romanians are difficult to expel and they find it easy to return”, he added.

Marian Clita has been used in the past by the communist political police Securitate to kill an anti-communist dissident in prison. Danish Women Trafficking Department chief Rene Hansen stated that about one third of the prostitutes in Copenhagen were Romanians. She said the girls were tempted with promises and once arrived they are forced to prostitute. They are often murdered by the traffickers.

Danish Liberal Socialist Party vice-president Zenia Stampe criticised chief-investigator Ove Dahl for the insults he has brought, breeching the Penal Code, which punished racial, colour or ethnic discrimination. He told Romania Libera reporters that he never meant to insult Romania, but argues that Eastern-Europeans bring an increasing number of problems.

Both the Romanian Embassy in Denmark and the Romanian Foreign Affairs Office refused to comment. „If we don’t take action in this case it doesn’t mean that we regard the situation with indifference. It is almost certain that we will go through with the action, we will have an official position”, Ambassador Victor Micula declared. The law allows Romania to request public apologies for the offences brought by the Danish authorities.

Leukaemia patients from Romania are constraint to national treatment, Evenimentul Zilei reads. Leukaemia is an affection for which Romanian patients can seek treatment overseas and the Romania state supports it. But the state imposed a yearly limit to the number of spine marrow transplants that are supported by the state to 100 self-transplants and 30 transplants using relatives’ marrow per.

This unorthodox limitation puts patients and their families under stress. They make unimaginable efforts to raise the money to go overseas for surgery. Doctors feel the professional strain as well, with less money coming in. A marrow self-transplant in Romania costs 25.000 euros (cell collection and graft administration only) and an allotransplant costs 45,000 euros. Overseas, a patient pays around 120,000 euros, all expenses included.

On one hand, the Romanian Health Ministry does not invest in the development of transplant centres, which could lead to saving the lives of patients waiting on lists. On the other hand, the Health Ministry imposes discriminatory criteria for the patients trying to get treatment overseas. Stem cells donors’ national registry lacks, shortening the lives of those who cannot resort to a relative for a transplant.

These patients are sent overseas because the national registry is non-functional. The money the state pays patients getting treatment overseas could be invested in treatments in Romanian centres, Clinic Institute Fundeni (Bucharest) medical chief Daniel Coriu says.

Romanian centres that could care and treat leukaemia patients face an acute lack of funds, with the top centre – Fundeni Institute – head of the list. Dr. Daniel Coriu says all patient investigations are currently paid by sponsors and donors. 40 patients, ages ranging 3 to 69, are waiting on the centre’s list.

Reading about the 1989 Romanian Revolution, Adevarul informs that ex-Romanian president Ion Iliescu (PSD) called the Soviet army to intervene. The proof is a document discovered in the Polish Foreign Affairs Ministry, which confirms that on December 23, 1989, Ion Iliescu and Silviu Brucan asked Moscow to send troops in Romania. The content of the document is confirmed by testimonies of key0figures of the Romanian Revolution.

According to the document, Iliescu asked for support to the USSR embassy in Bucharest. The Soviet Union Army did not reach Romania, but tens of „tourists” and of „specialists” were infiltrated in Romania, with secrete missions. They redrew only in the fall of 1990, according to ex-PM Petre Roman. The Soviet response to Iliescu’s request quoted by the document reads: „USSR’s answer – ready to supply any kind of help except military intervention”.

The document support several similar testimonies given by key-figures, like FSN Council vice-president Dumitru Mazilu, General Ion Hortopan – Infantry and Tanks commander who died in 2009 – and vice-admiral in reserve Stefan Dinu, who was Army Intelligence Authority (DIA) chief in 1989. Mazilu currently denies his 19-year old testimony, but in his book „The stolen Revolution. Testimony for my country (Volume I)” he writes that he opposed a Soviet military intervention for reasons relating to principles. He adds that he knew Iliescu had asked on December 23 1989 Soviet intervention.

Great State Major General Chief in December ’89 Gen. Stefan Gusa opposed Iliescu’s wish to ask for Soviet military support. In 1993, he told the Senate’s Commission for Investigating the December 1989 Events that on the night of December 22 1989, Iliescu was at the National Defence Ministry, trying to convince him to bring he Red Army in Romania. Gusa died of cancer six months after the hearings.

General Hortoman told the same Commission that on December 23 1989 (later) president Iliescu phoned the USSR. Vice-admiral Stefan Dinu tells the facts of that day in his book „Condemned to discretion”, published in 2009.