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What the newspapers say: October 11, 2007

All newspapers on Thursday read about the video film made public by the Romanian National Television last night, showing current Agriculture Minister Decebal Traian Remes taking an envelope allegedly containing 15,000 euro as bribe from the former Agriculture Minister, Ioan Muresan.

More in the news, European Commission’s officials give Romanian officials one month to solve the inconsistencies found in the management system and financial control of EU farming funds.

Cotidianul reads about video strip made public by the Romanian public television TVR that showed current Agriculture Minister Decebal Traian Remes taking bribe from former Agriculture Minister Ioan Avram Muresan to favor a businessman, Gheorghe Ciorba, in a public tender.

The news broadcast of the public television also played a phone tape recording between the two, clarifying who Remes needs to favor to win the public tender.

Gheorghe Ciorba, the one to denounce the operation also tapped Ioan Muresan, admitting to have given the bribe. However, Muresan, in the video tape knows that anti-graft prosecutors may know about the deal and thus warns Ciorba not to talk about it anymore.

The newspaper reads that judiciary sources confirm the existence of several other video and tape recordings that confirm the showed video.

Anti-graft prosecutors however expressed their concern, arguing that the evidence should not have had been made public, since the file against the minister is just being processed.

Gandul reads that sources inside the Liberal party say that PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu would ask for the Minister’s resignation.

Evenimentul Zilei reads that when confronted by journalists, Ioan Muresan denied any implication in the case. He added that it is all a set up.

Plus, the newspaper notes the reaction of Senator Norica Nicolai, who firmly believes that it is all a set up against the Liberal government.

Anti-graft prosecutors are considered by the Liberals to be the image agency of Romanian President Traian Basescu who does not approve the current Liberal government.

The newspaper informs that it is the first time in the history of the European Union that evidences in a judicial file against a high official are made public, in prime time.

Elsewhere in the news today, European Commission officials give Romania one month to solve the inconsistencies found in an EC report on the management system and the financial control of agricultural payment agencies, Cotidianul informs.

The newspaper argues that, in case the safeguarding clause is activated, Romania will lose about 110 million euro in agriculture subsidies.

EC Commissioner on Agriculture Mariann Fischer Boel announced that Romania needed to deal quickly with the problems reported.

Moreover, she adds that the main inconsistency found was on the agriculture management system, which is not working.

The paper blames current Agriculture Minister and his predecessor Gheorghe Flutur for having disregarded EU’s recommendations.

Gandul reads that the authorities failed to implement the free software sent by EU officials which may cause Romanian farmers to remain without subsidies.

Siveco, the IT company paid to set up the system and assure its functionality, declared that the company was upgrading the system and not repairing it.

However, Agriculture officials argue that the system broke down at least 12 times since it was set up by the company.