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What the newspapers say: September 25, 2007

Newspapers on Tuesday read about the exceptionality of a presidential special commission set up to give up green light on inquiries prepared on the name of no less than seven Romanian ministers.

Also under investigation is Romanian Intelligence Service head George Maior, eyed by the Parliamentary commission regarding alleged secred police activities against politicians.

On a lighter tone, the Romanian President revealed the statue of a former Azerbaijan leader who supposedly fought against the Soviet rule.

Gandul reads about the Presidential special commission which is due to say whether anti-graft inquiries would be launched on seven members of the ministers. Probably the most controversial case is the one involving Justice Minister Tudor Chiuariu.

Presidential counselor on Justice issue, Stefan Deaconu should call each minister for hearing and then submit to the President a report regarding his activity. Romanian President Traian Basescu will then decide whether the inister will be investigated by prosecutors or his case be classified.

Adevarul reads about new but still unrevealed charges of bribery raised against Labor minister Paul Pacuraru. Anti-graft prosecutors requested President Basescu yesterday to decide upon the case.

Paul Pacuraru is accused to have accepted bribes. However, the ministrer denied all allegations and confidently affirmed that the current Liberal government cannot be accused of corruption.

The anti-graft prosecutors asked the presidential commission to allow investigation on seven Liberal ministers.

They include Justice minister Tudor Chiuariu, former Economy minister Codrut Seres, former Defense minister Victor Babiuc, former Transportation minister Miron Mitrea.

Conservatives argue that the moves were initiated by the President himself since he wants the Liberal government down.

Elsewhere in the news, Romanian Intelligence Service chief George Maior headed to the Parliament yesterday for hearings related to accusations of illegal practices against Liberal politicians, Romania Libera reads.

The Parliamentary Commission supervising Intelligence Service (SRI) activities heard Maior’s statements against the accusations. He has denied all allegations and assured the commission that his institution was not tailing politicians in any way.

SRI has been in the spotlight after allegations that the institution tailed and tapped the phones of important political personalities, such as Liberal Senator Norica Nicolai. However, she declared that she would not sue the institution without clear proof.

More in the news, Cotidianul reads about a so-called „KGB alley” where Romanian President Traian Basescu revealed a statue of former Azerbaijan President, Gaydar Alyev, which the newspaper says is known internationally for his abuses during his time in office.

Romanian President, Traian Basescu said on the occasion that both Romania and Azerbaijan have fought to develop the Black Sea region and assure the regional security.

City Hall spokesperson fails to remember who decided whose statue will be set up in the Bucharest Tei Park where Alyev statue was revealed.