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What the newspapers say: September 28, 2007

It’s all about politics on most front pages of the Friday newspapers. After the Social Democrats (PSD) finally managed to read their motion to bring down the government, the games are starting once again to have a blurry shape.

Liberal-Democrat (PLD) outsiders are unhappy, Liberals are flirting with the Opposition, while president Basescu wants his Democrat Party (PD) to rejoin Liberals in an alliance, but with a „cleaned up Liberal Party” and an even cleaner Opposition.

„A cleaned-up Social Democrat Party may be a partner after the elections”, said president Traian Basescu on Thursday, according to Evenimentul Zilei.

Still, Basescu has two conditions: Liberals may keep their prime minister seat, but they must change PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu, while the Social Democrats, who may join the Democrat – Liberal government, must give up their undesirable members, such as former Romania president Ion Iliescu and the PSD chief negotiator, Viorel Hrebenciuc.

Same Evenimentul Zilei also informs about another possible deal: a Liberal – Social Democrat government after the 2008 elections.

During the negotiations between the PSD chief negotiator, Viorel Hrebenciuc, and Liberal Bogdan Olteanu, speaker in the House of Deputies, a promise was made: the Liberals will accept to form a new government along with the PSD, but only in case the motion to bring down the government, read yesterday in the Parliament, doesn’t pass.

Meanwhile, the former Liberal dissidents, who formed the Liberal-Democrat Party (PLD), became quite upset with the fact that president Basescu is making government sketches on his own. One of the major sources of discontent is the fact that PLD head Theodor Stolojan isn’t one of the options discussed for the prime-minister seat, Gandul reads.

But, since everything starts with the motion to bring down the government, we should also quote Jurnalul National: „General boredom during the motion’s lecture”. Parliamentarians are so worried about the effects of the motion that most of them left for a „cigarette break” and started to bet on the future of the motion.