President Traian Basescu after the new ministers sworn in: you need to have the capacity to explain Romanians we need another year of austerity
All those six ministers of the Boc excutive – Ion Ariton (Economy), Gheorghe Ialomitianu (Finances), Ioan BotisIoan Botis (Labor), Anca Boagiu (Transports), Valeriu Tabara (Agriculture) and Valerian Vreme (Communication) sworn in on Friday afternoon. The decree to dismiss former ministers were signed on Friday morning by President Traian Basescu, before the new ministers sworn in. I want to congratulate
The decree to dismiss former ministers were signed on Friday morning by President Traian Basescu, before the new ministers sworn in.
President Basescu’s declarations
- I congratulate all those who assumed the new positions
- I thank the six ministers that left a government that ,despite difficulties manages to pull Romania from the economic crisis towards an economic increase.
- I do not accept the idea that the ministers did not do what was best during the crisis, they did what they could, limited by Romania’s possibilities. The government entered the crisis with a limited budget, affected by a populist policy. The measures that were taken could not be avoided and we want to keep the country from a financial colapse.
- I urge Romanians to understand that austerity measures need to continue
- If austerity measures are not implemented and continued, 2011 will register a 1% economic increase which will not be enough to ensure jobs.
- I will be your partner as log as measures will be taken honestly and no exceptions are made
- I realize that there are ministries in which public servants cash in 13,000 lei/month when a minister’s salary is 4,000 lei. I urge you to apply the austerity measures for everyone.