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Conferinta despre comunism la MTR

Muzeul Taranului Roman va gazdui la Studioul Horia Bernea, in perioada 1-3 octombrie, conferinta Amintindu-ne comunismul. Perspective teoretice asupra memoriei comunismului. Conferinta va include lucrari teoretice si filme despre procesul de rememorarea a comunismului in tarile estice, cu accent pe cazurile Romaniei si Bulgariei.

Discutiile vor aborda subiecte ca nostalgia si condamnarea comunismului, nume de strazi si bibelouri, comunismul la muzeu si in cartile scolare, memorie generationala, memorie vizuala, memorie colectiva sau istorie orala.

Lucrarile conferintei incheie un proiect de cercetare de doi ani organizat de Univesitatea din Leipzig, informeaza un comunicat din partea MTR.

Mai multe despre conferinta gasiti aici.

Programul conferintei

Joi, 1 octombrie

15:00 – 15:30 Opening remarks

15:30 – 17:30 Communism, Memory and the Visual (Alyssa Grossmann, Simina Badica, Corina Cimpoieru, Vania Stoyanova).

  • Proiectie de film documentar: Bucharest Past Present (43 min., Romania, 2009) Dir: Alyssa Grossman
  • Badica: Remembering Communism during Communism.
  • Displaying History at the Museum before and after 1989 in Romania
  • Cimpoieru: Feature Film on Remembering Romanian Communism
  • Stoyanova: Socialism in Bulgarian Post-1989 Cinema (Documentaries)

18:00 – 19:00 Key note speech, Barbara Christophe

  • Remembering Communism and Making Sense of the Post-Communist Experience: Analyzing Discursive Strategies in Post-Soviet Textbook Accounts

Vineri, 2 octombrie

9:30 – 11:00 New Comers – Topics (Izabella Main, Nikolay Vukov, Diana Georgescu)

  • Main: How is Communism Remembered in Poland? About Research and Literature
  • Vukov: Remembrance of Communism on the Former Day of Socialist Victory: 9th of September in Post-1989 Bulgaria
  • Georgescu: Ceausescu’s Children

11:15 – 13:00 Remembering Through Whose Language? Which Notions?

(Petya Kabakchieva, Adrian Cioflanca, Iskra Baeva)

  • Kabakchieva: Remembering Communism- the Society of Equality or the Society of Inequalities
  • Cioflanca: Embellishing the Evil. Narratives of Deculpabilization in the Memoires of Former Members of the Romanian Nomeklatura
  • Baeva: Modern Bulgarian Society and Its Notion of the Age of Socialism

14:00 – 16:00 The Past Through the Lenses of the Present (Constantin Iordachi, Dragos Petrescu, Milla Mineva, Cristina Petrescu)

  • Iordachi: Remembering Communism vs Condemning Communism. Comparative Perspectives on the War on Memory in Post-Communist East-Central Europe
  • Petrescu: 1989 as a Self-Ironical Tragicomedy. Representations of the Romanian Revolution
  • Mineva: Remembering Online
  • Petrescu: “How We Survived Communism and even Laughed.”
  • Belated Nostalgia for the “Golden Epoch”?

16:30 – 18:30 Is Experience a Useful Category? (Smaranda Vultur, Tanya Boneva, Anni Kirilova)

  • Vultur: Everyday Life and Surveillance in Romania of the 1980s
  • Boneva: Remembering Communism in Post-Communist Times. Pernik Revisited:2007
  • Kirilova: Genealogical and Family Memory

Sambata, 3 octombrie

9:00 – 10:30 Transformations of Memory in the Realm of the Social (Tamás Lönhárt, Virgiliu Tarau, Deyan Petrov)

  • Lönhárt and Tarau: The Plural Memories of a Multiethnic City.
  • The Transformations Associated with Communism as Remembered by Hungarian Workers from Cluj/ Kolosvár/Klausenburg
  • Petrov: Remembering Communism in Factories

11:30 – 13:00 Generations Remember Communism (Tzetanka Manova, Catalina Mihalache, Iliyana Marcheva)

  • Manova: “We Build Our Country.” Visual Memories about the
  • Brigadier Movement Based on Materials from Pernik
  • Mihalache: Talking Memories of the Socialist Age. School, Feelings, Regime
  • Marcheva: “By Our Memoirs You Shall Know Them.” Ivan and Petko Venedikovi About Themselves and About Communism

14:00 – 15:30 Taste and Art. Distinction or Negotiation? (Adrian Mihalache, Natalia Hristova, Krasimira Koeva)

  • Mihalache: Remembering the Luxury of Common People. Reflections on the Private Display of Decorative Things in the 1980s
  • Hristova: Authorities and Artistic Elite- Memoires of Conflicts
  • Koeva: About one Bulgarian-Rumanian Casus (the sculptor Boris Karadja)

16:00 – 17:30 Memory and Reconfigurations of the Local and the National (Dorina Orzac, Evgenia Kalinova, Vasile Docea)

  • Orzac: Confronting Totalitarianism. Case Study- The Region of Maramures
  • Kalinova: Remembering the “Revival Process” in Post-1989 Bulgaria
  • Docea: History as Collective Memory. Constructing Identities in Timisoara Through Monographs and Street Names

19:00 Key note speech: Thomas Lindenberger at New Europe College

  • Experts Without a Cause? Contemporary History Between Memory Governance and Ostalgia in Unified Germany