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FOTOGALERIE Palatul Ghika a gazduit o Seara Exclusiva Leonard Cohen: Welcome back, Mr. Cohen

Cine sufera de thaasofobie nu ar trebui sa se duca vreodata la o Seara Exclusiva Leonard Cohen. Caci „plictisitor” ar putea fi – pentru unii – cuvantul care caracterizeaza ceea ce s-a intamplat joi, 3 septembrie, in cadrul petrecerii oferite in cinstea celebrului cantaret si poet canadian.

Diverse studii, indoielnice sau nu, arata ca cei mai inteligenti melomani sunt cei care asculta Beethoven, ca fanii Radiohead sunt cei mai destepti din arealul rock sau ca Beyonce nu se poate mandri cu un public elevat. Concluzii discutabile, desigur. Un lucru este insa cert: fanii lui Leonard Cohen sunt printre cei mai rafinati.

In cadrul unei petreceri Cohen nu se da din cap, nu se agita „manute” pe sus, nu se danseaza pe mese. De fapt, nu se danseaza deloc. Se savureaza doar. Si nu muzica, ci o mixtura de muzica si poezie, cum numai poetul canadian poate crea. Creatiile lui Leonard Cohen nu debordeaza de energie, nu sunt antrenante, ba chiar ii pot inspaimanta pe cei care sufera de teama de plictiseala.

Joi seara, doua ecrane uriase au prezentat concertul Leonard Cohen sustinut anul acesta, la Londra. Cei aproximativ 100 de fani (prezenti la eveniment pe baza biletelor VIP de la concertul Cohen care va avea loc vineri, pe Stadionul Iolanda Balas) au sorbit fiecare cuvant al acestei inregistrari video, ori au povestit fragmente dintr-un volum despre viata artistului canadian, totul la lumina lumanarilor.

Prezenti la eveniment, trupa si managerul de turneu Cohen au multumit pentru faptul ca au fost invitati, au stat la dispozitia celor care doreau sa discute cu ei si, spre finalul serii, au primit un tort urias (din care aveau sa guste toti cei prezenti), pe care statea scris mesajul „Welcome back, Mr. Cohen!!!”

Artistul nu a participat la eveniment, insa si-a incantat fanii prin intermediul cantecelor de la Londra, care s-au alaturat uneia dintre cele mai frumoase poezii create vreodata: A Thousand Kisses Deep.

A Thousand Kisses Deep

„You came to me this morning

And you handled me like meat

You’d have to be a man to know

How good that feels, how sweet

My mirror twin, my next of kin

I’d know you in my sleep.

And who but you would take me in

A thousand kisses deep?

I loved you when you opened

Like a lily to the heat

You see, I’m just another snowman

Standing in the rain and sleet

Who loved you with his frozen love

His second-hand physique

With all he is, and all he was

A thousand kisses deep.

I know you had to lie to me

I know you had to cheat

To pose all hot and high

Behind The veils of sheer deceit

Our perfect porn aristocrat

So elegant and cheap

I’m old but I’m still into that

A thousand kisses deep.

I’m good at love, I’m good at hate

It’s in between I freeze

Been working out, but it’s too late

It’s been too late for years

But you look good, you really do

They love you on the street

If you were here, I’d kneel for you

A thousand kisses deep.

The Autumn moved across your skin

Got something in my eye

A light that doesn’t need to live

And doesn’t need to die

A riddle in the book of love

Obscure and obsolete

Til witnessed here in time and blood

A thousand kisses deep.

And Im still working with the wine

Still dancing cheek to cheek

The band is playing Auld Lang Syne

But the heart will not retreat

I ran with Diz, I sang with Ray

I never had their sweep

But once or twice they let me play

A thousand kisses deep.

I loved you when you opened

Like a lily to the heat

You see, I´m just another snowman

Standing in the rain and sleet

Who loved you with his frozen love

His second-hand physique

With all he is, and all he was

A thousand kisses deep.

But you dont need to hear me now

And every word I speak

It counts against me anyhow

A thousand kisses deep.”