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Dutch against Romania and Bulgaria accession

More than half of the Dutch population are against the accession of Romania and Bulgaria to the EU while less than one in five support the process, according to a new poll run by Dutch TV station Nos. According to the poll, 52% of Dutch nationals disagree with a January 1, 2007 accession of Romania and Bulgaria, while 18% support it.

If the accession process concludes next year or is postponed by one year based on safeguard clauses that might be invoked by the European Commission, 48% of Dutch nationals say their country should place among a group of „leaders” including the 12 old member states, the poll shows.

And it confirms the lack of support among the Dutch for the EU Constitution, which would be voted against by 68% of the population in a new referendum. The Dutch rejected the EU Constitutional Treaty with a 63% „no” vote a year ago.