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What the newspapers say: June 16, 2006

It’s Friday. Weekend looms, the summer holiday starts, but not for Dan Voiculescu who is scrutinized by today’s newspapers for his alleged collaboration with the political militia, the Securitate, during the communist regime.

The two- week delay of the verdict of the body studying the archives of the Securitate (CNSAS) regarding the Conservative leader’s communist past takes the first page of all dailies. Another preoccupation of the Friday press is the European Council conclusion regarding Romania’s accession next year.

Of no less importance seems to be the performance of the American rapper 50 Cent in Bucharest.

Evenimentul Zilei gives the verdict: Dan Voiculescu guilty of collaborating with the former communist militia, the Securitate, under the code name Felix.

The daily quotes close sources to the body studying the archives of the Securitate (CNSAS) as the official verdict has not yet been made public, although the members of the CNSAS reached a conclusion regarding Voiculescu’s communist past. The ruling will come out in two weeks.

Dan Voiculescu, the leader of the Romanian Conservative Party that is part of the ruling coalition, has been proposed to take over the deputy premier post from his party fellow George Copos who recently resigned. The move prompted the civil society, the media and the CNSAS to check on his communist past.

Under the circumstances, the Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu said that a decision regarding Voiculescu’s assignation is to be taken following the publication of the CNSAS verdict, no sooner than two weeks.

Cotidianul writes about the pressure to which the CNSAS has been exposed on Thursday, coming from the politicians and the civil society, but also under the threats of Dan Voiculescu himself who prepares to sue the CNSAS if found guilty of collaboration.

Such verdict will not only dismiss Voiculescu as a candidate for the deputy premier post, but will prove that the Conservative senator lied in his interest declaration when stating that he had not carried out political police activities.

The daily also reckons that the CNSAS verdict will undermine the Romanian Intelligence Service’s name again for giving Voiculescu’s thick file to CNSAS only now, in the perspective of him becoming a top governmental figure.

Adevarul sees the two-week delay in announcing the CNSAS decision as a sign that Voiculescu did not receive a good mark in the long hearing session on Thursday. The fact prompted the conservatives to take a stand in favor of their leader while accusing the Romanian president Traian Basescu of staging this action.

If the CNSAS verdict shows that Voiculescu was a collaborator, the Conservative Party threatens to withdraw from the governing coalition and cause the falling of the Tariceanu govt.

The European Council in Brussels found the Romanian delegation very determined to lobby for Romania’s accession on January 1, 2007. The Romanian president Traian Basescu, PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu, Integration and Foreign Affairs ministers make up the delegation taking part to the European summit these days, Evenimentul Zilei writes.

President Basescu makes lobby for Romania with his international Popular political fellows, while PM Tariceanu is holding talks with his European Liberal allies.

Talks about Romania’s accession will take place today, on the last day of the summit, Jurnalul National writes. The opening day gave confidence that the shortcomings Romania must remedy cannot hold it back from becoming a European Union member state starting next year.

The dailies also write a few lines about the American rapper “50 Cent” concert in Bucharest on Wednesday night.

Jurnalul National finds the concert enthusiastic but quite expensive, given the price requested by the singer to perform on a Romanian scene – quarter million dollars, and the tariff for the after party entrance – 6000 euros.

The daily definitely appreciates the quality of the music and of the show.

Evenimentul Zilei, however, criticized the bad words used by the rapper, the drugs allusions, and too many minors among the fans, plus the striptease farewell of the rapper.