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European Council recommends Romania’s accession to EU on January 1, 2007

The European Council in Brussels recommended on Friday that Romania’s accession to the EU be carried out on January 1, 2007. The resolution highlighted the importance of the Accession Treaty provisions to be fulfilled by Romania and Bulgaria by January next year.

The supporting message of the resolution is clearer than the May report, according to Romanian president Traian Basescu present at the Brussels summit.

There is no chapter that might trigger the safe clause, president Basescu says, however, there is the possibility that the poorly developed fields activate the sectors’ safe guards which entail non-granting of European funds on those particular fields. This might be the case of agriculture, Basescu explained.

The December summit will tackle the further enlargement of the Union after the fifth wave, but also the absorption capacity of the EU regarding the new comers.

The summit concluded on Friday after two days of talks among the EU leaders reunited in Brussels. Romania’s delegation was represented by president Basescu, PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu, Integration minister Anca Boagiu and Foreign Affairs minister Razvan Ungureanu.