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What the newspapers say: June 20, 2006

The Tuesday’s newspapers cannot ignore the implications of the dismissal by PM Tariceanu of the secretary of state within the Education Ministry Paloma Petrescu, perceived as an act in the president – premier conflict play. The dailies scrutinize the speech by president Traian Basescu in front of the reunited Parliament on Monday evening.

The PM’s absence from the event is another act within the same conflict play, the dailies reckon. The Conservative leader Dan Voiculescu is in the spotlight today as well, following the announcement yesterday by the Conservative spokesperson that a decision regarding the withdrawal from the governmental coalition was delayed for the weekend.

More newspapers show concern about Romanians’ behaviours regarding pharmaceutical remedies, after a study revealed that over 70% of the population take pills without consulting a specialist.

Adevarul continues its criticizing odyssey against the top officials in the Education ministry and shows how the journalist that entered the building guarding the exams tests is changing the top structure of the institution.

PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu dismissed the secretary of state Paloma Petrescu on Monday, the Education minister Mihail Hardau let go the head of the Evaluation Service that handled the exams subjects.

Romania Libera also focuses on the dismissal of the secretary of state Petrescu, after she stated that she did not feel guilty for the incident regarding the exam subjects.

Although the Education minister disapproved with the hasty PM’s decision to replace Paloma Petrescu, he admitted yesterday that as a disciplined soldier he must follow orders from above.

Gardianul approaches another angle in the SS dismissal, showing that Paloma Petrescu was a collateral victim of the war between the presidential and the PM’s palaces.

PM Tariceanu targets the Education ministry’s chair but cannot get it as Hardau has strong links with the Democratic leader Emil Boc, hence the next Democratic official to target is Paloma Petrescu.

By dismissing her, Tariceanu strikes president Basescu in his „friends flank” as Petrescu is a close friend to Basescu family.

The dailies scrutinize the speech by president Basescu in front of the reunited Parliament on Monday evening.

Gandul underlines that the president took a stand for the first time regarding the reshuffling of the government by approving and encouraging it. In his speech, Basescu slammed the dysfunctions and the mediocre functionality of the state’s institutions and criticized in general lines the education, sanitary and justice systems, and agriculture.

Most of the dailies could not help to notice the absence of the PM Tariceanu when his government was severely criticized.

Evenimentul Zilei however finds another explanation for Tariceanu’s absence. While the Democrat leaders and the opposition considered that by not showing off, the PM gave another strike in the war between the two palaces, EVZ wrote that Tariceanu preferred to stay away from the plenary because he was not invited to take part to this reunion.

Cotidianul emphasizes the president’s remarks regarding the leftist orientation of the current right wing government. Basescu criticized the Health ministry that continues the social democrats’ practices and the collaboration with the social democrats close allies.

The daily also focuses on the gist of Basescu’s speech – the exit from mediocrity.

The Conservative leader Dan Voiculescu is in the spotlight today as well, following the announcement yesterday by the Conservative spokesperson that a decision regarding the withdrawal from the governmental coalition was delayed for the weekend.

Evenimentul Zilei considers that the withdrawal would split the party as many conservative officials threatened to leave the party if forced to let go their top positions in the Romanian institutions and in the Government.

Regarding the deputy PM position initially offered to Voiculescu, there are signs that the Conservative Party plans to appoint someone else following the scandal of Voiculescu’s collaboration with the Securitate in the past.

Gardianul also writes about the Conservatives’ indecision regarding the withdrawal from the government, but also reports on a meeting between the PC leader and the opposition Social Democratic leader Mircea Geoana.

The two politicians talked about a non-confidence motion initiated by the Social Democrats which is to be presented in the Parliament this week.

More newspapers (Adevarul, Gandul ) show concern about Romanians’ behaviours regarding pharmaceutical remedies, after a study revealed that 82% of the women and 63% of the men, that is over 70% of the population, take pills without consulting a specialist, and 22% do this at least once a month.

Approximately half of the Romanians consider they are sufficiently informed to decide what pills to take for minor health problems.