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62% of Romanians disagree with troops presence in Iraq

Almost two thirds of Romanians believe that keeping troops in Iraq is useless for Romania, according to a new poll published on Sunday. 62% disagreed with the mission, while 23% believed maintaining the Romanian contingent in the Gulf country was useful.

The same poll, published by the Office for Social Research – BCS, shows 60% of Romanians are pleased or very pleased with the way Traian Basescu has acted as president of the country since elected in 2004. 32% would vote him for a new term. 32% said they were not pleased with the President.

President Basescu has the trust of 55% of the respondents, followed by opposition Social-Democratic leader Mircea Geoana with 28.6%. Liberal PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu is trusted by 27% of Romanians. Also trusted are populist politician-businessman Gigi Becali (26.8%), Liberal leader Bogdan Olteanu (22%) and far-right leader Corneliu Vadim Tudor (18.6%).