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What the newspapers say: July 4, 2006

The Tuesday press abounds in scandals and sensational. Both scandalous and sensational seems to be the situation created by the leak of the high school graduates exams subjects in general, and by their purchase on the “free market” by a journalist from Gandul who has a kinship relation with one of the subjects’ authors.

Another scandal even more sensational is the presidential reverberation on the topic of the troops withdrawal from Iraq and his accusations against the PM. The launch of a new press agency by controversial man and media mogul Sorin Ovidiu Vantu was supposed to be a sensation, but some technical shortcomings prevented the event to become a great success.

Gandul writes about the high school graduation exams as the newspaper which has revealed the leak of the subjects.

The journalist who has bought the exam subjects from a group of XII grade graduates recounts in detail the meeting with the youngsters in Piata Victoriei, where a group of 15 pupils were distributing via sms-es, mobile phones and word of mouth, the solutions that would have brought them high marks.

The adventure continued on Sunday night in the Education Ministry’s building and in a police office, where the ministry’s officials together with the journalist announced the leak to the officer in charge.

During the night, new subjects have been conceived and transmitted to all the exam centers throughout the country, and in the morning, the pupils taking the exam had no idea about the odyssey of the subjects. The media scandal, however, only then sparked.

Adevarul dedicates the best spot on the front page to the same subject – the subjects’ leak, after only two weeks ago a similar situation took place with the 8th graders tests when a journalist from Adevarul got into the building where the subjects were handed in to the local inspectors and fetched a hand of envelopes containing the History subjects.

However, the daily hints that there might be a kinship between the journalist from Gandul who claims to have bought the subjects with 50 RON and an author of the Romanian language subjects.

Cotidianul compares the situation created two weeks ago with the copy-cat and the current circumstances for the leak of the subjects, given the rivalry between the two dailies “Adevarul” and “Gandul”, but also on the kinship between the journalist from Gandul and one of the authors of the exam subjects.

Cotidianul attempts to prove that there is too much of a coincidence in the new scandal.

The troops’ withdrawal from Iraq continues to keep the front pages, in the light of a very serious accusation brought by president Traian Basescu to the initiator of the withdrawal scandal, PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu. Basescu blamed Tariceanu for the Liberals-initiated idea last week and called the move as an „anti-Romania putsch”.

Romania Libera presents the rift between the two politicians that widens irreversibly day by day, with the last war of declarations reaching a maximum of the confrontation. Basescu also sanctioned the Liberals’ idea to sacrifice two of their ministers on grounds of “lack of solidarity” as opposing the pullback from Iraq.

Gandul elaborates on the president’s declarations that target the PM, aimed at cancelling for good the Liberals’ initiatives of this kind that work against the national interest and security, defined by Basescu as the good and strong relations with the US and the Great Britain.

The happening is presented from a different angle by EVZ which claims that Tariceanu advanced the pullback idea just to be ahead of Basescu who would have brought it to the public opinion soon.

EVZ quotes sources from the Liberal Party, which plans to win the electorate’s sympathy by organising a public campaign and a referendum on this topic that aims at prompting the withdrawal of the Romanian troops from Iraq.

The media is scrutinizing the launch of a new press agency by the controversial businessman and recently become mogul media Ovidiu Vantu. The press agency NewsIn comes to fill in the media space but also to compete with the leader of the market, the Mediafax agency.

Cotidianul, part of the group owned by Vantu, sanctions though the stumbling of the launch, an event that should have been perfectly synchronized, and very technologically up-to-date.

However, the site did not worked when the organizers were trying to explain its functioning, technology seemed too advanced for the agency’s managers, but, all in all, the event cost a lot of money.

EVZ puts into the context the emergence of this new agency, as the missing piece of a media puzzle built by Vantu. Nevertheless, the market leader sees no threat in the new agency, as Mediafax boasts 4000 customers, while NewsIn targets to expand to 500. For the coming two months, NewsIn will be available free of charge to everybody.