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Romanian children – prostitutes in Germany, investigation journalist Jurgen Roth says

Children and women from Eastern Europe in general, and from Romania in particular, are being trafficked to Germany where they are turned into prostitutes, with the complicity of local authorities, investigation journalist Jurgen Roth has said in an interview for

Jurgen Roth (born in 1945) is an expert in organized criminality, and has made TV documentaries and published several essays and books: “The Oligarch”, “The Terror network”, “Gangsters from the East” and “Forbidden Inquiry”, and the last best seller book “The German clan”.

Jurgen Roth blames the partnership between the local authorities and Police with the leaders of the human trafficking networks for the proliferation of this phenomenon. The journalist’s recent book “The German clan” describes the cases of some politicians that “benefit” from the prostitution and children prostitution services via the local mafia.

He offers some examples such as the German -Lithuanian trafficker in Rostock who had close connection with the former mayor.

Despite his imprisonment, the business continued its course as “the structures remained the same.” In Hamburg activates the „Albanian clan” that controls the prostitution industry in the brothel neighbourhood Sankt-Pauli, and owns real estate, drugs, illegal arms trafficking, and money laundering businesses.

Close to Stuttgart, in Pforzheim, the capo of the criminal organization Hell`s Angel has close connections with the chief-prosecutor and also political leverage as financer of the Christian- Democratic Party.

The human traffic industry made of females’ prostitution and paedophilia.

The children sold to German clients come mainly from the Czech Republic, Romania and Bulgaria and most of the time they come from Rroma families.

The children are brought to Germany together with their mothers who are very poor, use drugs and practice prostitution. Recruited in Bucharest or in the Hungarian border vicinity, they are transferred by car to Cheb, at the Czech Republic and former GDR border. Here there is a trafficking network that takes the children to Leipzig and sells them throughout Germany. Many of these children disappear after no longer of use.

The police investigations have been seized recently, allegedly due to close relations between the network leaders and the authorities who have become blackmail prone.