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What the newspapers say: September 4, 2006

New revelations, political plans and interviews with deus ex-machina wannabies on the issue of Romania’s facing its own Communist past abound in newspapers today – including what should have been a lifestyle report on the wedding of an influential historian close to the government.

Another wedding raises another sort of relationship: the businesses protected by a newly married minister. A dubious intervention from a European minister fuels suspicions of lobbying. And a 2-2 score reported by Romania against Bulgaria in a football match this weekend sparks the wrath of the media.

Adevarul opens today issue with a report that President Traian Basescu has called for the classified status of the archives of the former Central Committee of the Romanian Communist Party be lifted, in line.

The move would come in line with a wave of revelations – promised and sometimes produced – of the files ex-dictator Nicolae Ceausescu’s secret police the Securitate held on the names of many people in the current Romanian politics.

Basescu’s move was pushed for by the media over the past several weeks as newspapers argued it was not only the Securitate informers that contributed to the dread of Communism, but also the top leadership of the Party.

Meanwhile, Ziua publishes an exclusive interview with General Ion Mihai Pacepa, who speaks mainly of the practices of the Securitate. Pacepa was the highest information officer in Romania that defected to the US during the Communist times.

“The Securitate can even crucify God” with its information and was “the tool that produced the genocide for which Ceausescu was executed” in December 1989, he says in the interview. And it describes how the Securitate was built following the patterns of Russia’s NKVD and included top members of the Romanian post-communist politics.

Cotidianul provides another angle to the ongoing lustration process. It claims that the wedding of Stejarel Olaru, a 33-year old historian who works as a governmental aide and is seen as a top “hunter” of Securitate informers, hides a terrible side.

Olaru was married at the old Stavropoleos Church in Bucharest on Saturday – by priest Iustin Marchis, “who was learned of last week that he collaborated with the Securitate”.

Another wedding, another story. Evenimentul Zilei reports that Economy minister Codrut Seres married the daughter of a subordinate and that their godfather is a businessman with “subscription” to contracts run by Seres’ ministry.

Seres thus enters in the family of people who cashed in big money from the Economy Ministry since the previous government, when the portfolio was held by a Social Democratic politician repeatedly accused of corruption.

Elsewhere in the newspapers, Cotidianul reports that German minister for European Affairs, Guenter Gloser, has criticized the Romanian government for not continuing the acquisition without a tender of “Blue Arrow” fast trains.

According to the newspaper, officials at the Romanian Railways believe it is just a form of pressure on German authorities – by Siemens, the company that produces the Blue Arrow engines.

Adevarul, meanwhile, reports that the fiscal-budget strategy elaborated by the Finance Ministry and obtained by this newspaper exclusively shows taxes and tariffs on properties, on the labour market and agriculture will rise significantly in the coming years.

Adevarul also joins the club when it comes to the media still disturbed by the 2-2 score reported by Romania in a football match against Bulgaria in the preliminaries of Euro 2008 on home turf on Friday.

It reports that the head of the Professional Football League, Mitica Dragomir, accused Romania of unforgivable mistakes during the match, which the team should have won easily.

And Evenimentul Zilei calls the Romanian team “girls” and considers they lost they head again, promising another missed qualification for the European championship.