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What the newspapers say: December 14, 2006

The main subject in all newspapers is a recorded conversation the alleged spy Stamen Stantchev had with a business partner. It seems Stantchev used the IT&C Minister, Zsolt Nagy, to find out whether his phones were tapped or not and felt so sure about his influence in the Economy Ministry that he even admitted: “I don’t control everything there, but I run most things”.

The information is included in the first report of the prosecutors in the file put up against the four arrested in the strategic privatization cases: Bulgarians Stantchev and Benyatov and Romanian ministerial officials Mihai Dorinel Mucea (Economy Ministry) and Mihai Donciu (IT&C Ministry). (Romania Libera).

Since Codrut Seres is no longer the Economy Minister, prosecutors don’t have to wait any decision from the Presidential Commission and may investigate his activity on their own.

One of the privatizations in the scandal was the Petrom deal, when the State sold 51% of the main oil and gas operator. The Senate approved yesterday the forming of a special commission to investigate this privatization, according to Romania Libera.

The weird news is that, in the middle of all the fuss, the State Assets president, Teodor Atanasiu announced the intention to sell some more of the Petrom shares, OMV having the first call to buy it, Adevarul reads. At least strange, since a verdict on the way OMV won the Petrom bid is still far.

On the other hand, the environment tax will cause a 20% price growth in fuels and 1.4% price growth in other basic products, labor unions warn, quoted by Gandul. A good reason for shareholders to keep their Petrom shares, one might say, instead of selling.

Another important problem rising is the imminent ban on Romanian fresh meat, which won’t be exported unless first submitted to thermal treatments, meaning in cans. Hundreds of producers are threatened by bankruptcy in case they fail to export their products, Gandul reads, quoting industry officials.

The good news is that the European Commission waits for Romanians and Bulgarians with a huge gingerbread cake, same Gandul informs. A giant gingerbread map with the new Europe’s shape will be shared by EC, Romanian and Bulgarian officials, somehow reminding of Hansel and Gretel.

For a breather: former PM Adrian Nastase and his wife are in court, with prosecutors adding up the accepted bribe and undeserved goods to 1.4 million euros, Adevarul informs.

Last but not least, Romanians will travel in Europe using the 0.6 euros European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), instead of paying hundreds for a temporary insurance, Adevarul and most other newspapers say.