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Two consortiums clash for rehabilitation of Bucharest national stadium

The main stadium in Romania, which became decrepit over the past decade, will be demolished and rebuilt. Only two consortiums of the 20 firms that bough the task papers for the project have submitted offers to start works at the Lia Manoliu National Stadium in Bucharest. The winner of the tender be announced in spring next year.

The groups entering the tender are a consortium formed of Astaldi Spa and JV Max Bogl, and Aline Mayreder Bau GMbH. The first consortium submitted two offers of 542 and 411 million RON respectively with deadlines of 32 months. Alpine, on the other hand, says it is ready to complete the works in 29 months for 450 million RON.

Astaldi Spa is one of the construction works companies known for its high number of state contracts. The latest of these is a contract with Metrorex, the administrator of the Bucharest subway, for 268 million RON. The company is also part of works at a passage way in north Bucharest.

Max Bogl has also been involved in several contracts with the Romanian state for works on several national roads. And Alpine Mayreder became a majority shareholder in Romanian companies Granitul SA-Bucharest and Scaep-Giurgiu Port in 1999, while also participating in works at the National Road 1, the main gate to Bucharest.