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Europe’s billionaires hunt boars in Romania

Romanian businessman Ion Tiriac organized a hunting session on ex-dictator Nicolae Ceausescu’s former hunting field in Balc on Saturday and Sunday. His guests included major European personalities such as Wolfgang Porsche, the owner of the Porsche group, the Chrysler CEo, German former football star Klaus Kischer, Prince Dimitrie Sturdza and Romanian ex-PM Petre Roman.

According to TV reports, the pack of 46 hunters managed to bring down about 100 boars, less than in previous years.

According to Radio France International, the hunting session sparked protests among animal rights activists. The WWF program for Danube-Carpathians cannot forget the January 2005 scandal when Romanian ex-PM Adrian Nastase is said to have shot down 185 boars on Tiriac’s domain in Balc.