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What the newspapers say: February 14, 2007

The simple motion against Justice Minister Monica Macovei makes it to the first page in most newspapers, in different approaches. Some see it as a loss or a signal for the president, some as a betrayal of governing parties’ Senators and others don’t even see a resignation coming.

Energy prices and transactions, Romania’s relationship with Hungary and real estate deals are few of the favorite subjects today.

Romanians may soon donate organs without having to sign an agreement first, unless the owner previously stated during his life that he would refuse to donate. Called a „presumed donor”, this practice is common in most EU countries.

Doctors still haven’t agreed on the move, but the project seems to enjoy popular support, according to signals in Evenimentul Zilei

„Monica Macovei, betrayed by her governing colleagues”, in Evenimentul Zilei, „Anti presidential coalition cuts president’s right arm” in Gandul or „Monica Macovei: <>” in Romania Libera are just a few of the titles about yesterday’s Senate passing a simple motion against the Justice Minister.

The Hungarian president, Laszlo Soloym, visited the Romanian region where the autonomy referendum too place a few days ago. „To call something anti Constitutional or Constitutional – that is not a political statement category. We can’t play with such remarks”, said Soloym, referring to president’s Basescu attitude concerning the referendum. (Gandul)

Basescu made a step back on Monday, saying that, after all, it was rather a study, not a referendum and that the actions would become illegal only in case an organization tried to benefit from the results and put them to work in its favor, Cotidianul

Back to everyday bad news: the gas price is expected to grow 6% this year, the Economy Minister, Varujan Vosganian, said, following the inflation rate. The foreseen 14% growth for the interior production would mean an 8% growth of the total price for end users, Gandul reads.

In case one dies freezing, the bad news is that life insurance is still a dream for most Romanians. Only 13% have such a policy, compared to a 21% average in the Central and Eastern Europe, according to Gandul.

Electricity transactions, on the other hand, will become public, so that „wise guys” would lose their business, Adevarul reads.

Better business days rise in real estate, with Romanian affairs becoming increasingly attractive on foreign stock exchanges. A DTZ study reveals that the Sema Park project in Bucharest is one of the top affairs in Europe, same Adevarul found out.

For the better finish taste: a Romanian draws the lines of a future Peugeot model. Mihai Panaitescu, a Romanian design student in Turin won the final design contest organized by Peugeot, according to Cotidianul.