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Mona Musca quits Parliament and Liberal-Democrat Party

Deputy Mona Musca announced on Wednesday that she resigns from her parliamentarian seat and also leaves the Liberal-Democrat Party (PLD). The statements comes one day after the Bucharest Appeal Court issued a final verdict, deciding that Musca was a collaborator of Ceausescu’s political police, Securitate.

The sentence is final and leaves no room for any other legal actions. In September, Musca appealed against a similar verdict, when issued by CNSAS, the body enabled to study the Securitate archives.

„My presence and my work in the Parliament, in the context built around me, would lack the efficiency I enjoyed until now. I could not represent with the same results those who voted for me”, said Musca.

„The second reason for my resignation is to avoid offering an excuse for those who should also quit their positions”, Musca added, explaining that she will also leave the Liberal-Democrat Party so that the formation wouldn’t be attacked with her presence as a pretext.

„I don’t think I was defeated. I was efficient in politics for 17 years, I did everything due to my love for people and in order to consolidate our democracy”, says Musca.

Mona Musca also faces a potential penalty of maximum two years in jail for false official statements.