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Parliament commissions rejects public TV annual report

The Culture commissions rejected the activity report of the public television company, SRTv, with 12 votes against and five abstentions on Tuesday. Despite the public character of the debates, the media was forced to leave the room at the time of the vote. A no vote for the 2006 report in the plenary session of the Parliament would automatically dismiss the managing moards of the SRTv.

Meanwhile, the Commissions unanimously approved the 2006 report of the public radio broadcasting company, SRR.

The negative vote for SRTv comes days after SRTv president and general manager Tudor Giurgiu announced his resignation citing huge pressure from media competitors, opponents within the SRTv and even from political sources.

He admitted to have made a series of mistakes but generally blamed them on the lack of support for his efforts to reform the institution.

SRTv – the mother-company of TVR 1, TVR 2, and TVR Cultural – reported considerable losses in its 2006 report after years of profit. Giurgiu claims the losses were due to major efforts of reform after years of political obedience and quest for profit from his predecessors.