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European Investment Bank to open office in Romania,

The European Investment Bank is to open office in Romania on June 7, according to the institution’s representatives.

The inauguration will also be the key moment for launching two major European projects: JASPERS (Joint Assistance in Supporting Projects in European Regions) for consultancy on big infrastructure projects, and JEREMIE (Joint European Resources for Micro to medium Enterprises) to provide assistance for SME’s.

The team that will run the Romanian office is almost complete; a director for the JASPERS is still to be found. On June 7, some European officials with the EIB and the European Reconstruction and Development Bank, and politicians will take part at the inaugural ceremony.

Romania and the EIB signed a memorandum last year that entailed up to 1 bln euro financing for Romanian projects to be granted as co-financing. JASPERS provides the authorities with free assistance from the EIB for the development and the implementation of infrastructure projects. More info on the two projects will be released by the Romanian authorities.