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Anti Basescu coalition loses first members

Social Democrat parliamentarians Teodor Nitulescu and Constantin Amarie, Liberal Liviu Almasan and Conservatives Constantin Gheorghe, Romeo Hanganu and Dumitru Becsenescu will vote against the dismissal of the suspended president Traian Basescu.

In an open letter, the six „deserters” claim that the suspension begun as a game, but „it has all gone too far”.

„Dismissing president Basescu will bring no advantage for the Romanian political class, nor for the country. Romania’s president must be Traian Basescu, because it is the will of the people, beyond the interests of some changing political leaders”, the open letter signed by the six MPs reads.

In the document, all six admit they played the game of other people’s interests when they voted in favor of president Basescu’s suspension.

„We demanded the electors’ votes for our programs, not to see ourselves today caught in a coalition with out political adversaries, with the single purpose to dismiss the president”, the letter reads.