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Fast scrutiny in Iraq, vote analysis in Italy

Romanian military in Iraq and Afghanistan respect their orderly life and vote as fast as possible, starting at the first possible hour. In Iraq, at the Tallil voting station, some 400 soldiers and officers are expected to express their votes. Military in other areas already received their electronic poll bulletins.

In Afghanistan, the three voting stations in the Zabul province were already visited by 55% of all Romanians in the area before 09:00h.

Volunteers and members of the Romanians’ Party in Italy will conduct an analysis of the electoral party, organizing exit polls at different moments of the day. There will be no questions about the votes expressed. All Romanians living and working abroad are called for support in sending copies of their questionnaires at the miruna.cajvaneanu[at]

All data gathered will be centralized in Rome, in order to put up a news bulletin.