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What the newspapers say: May 31, 2007

Parliamentarians are quite unhappy with the speech president Basescu held yesterday, considering it „improper”, to say the least. Meanwhile, Basescu’s main supporting party, the Democrats (PD) are one step away from tabling a motion against the Government.

Either in Basescu’s scenario for Govt. resignation and early elections, or in the Democrats scenario of an approved motion, the political crisis isn’t over by a mile.

„Basescu had his way with the MPs in the anti-presidential coalition”, Cotidianul reads. „First of all, Basescu criticized them for not assuming the responsibility after the results of the May 19 referendum”, the article continues.

„Basescu’s 9 commandments” is the title in Evenimentul Zilei, where the journalists find that Basescu quit talking about the „transparent majority” in the Parliament, preferring to reprove the „circumstance majority” that got him suspended for a month.

As most other newspapers repeat, Basescu claimed that „the honest solution” would be for the government to resign and organize early elections.

Senate speaker (also interim president while Basescu was suspended) Nicolae Vacaroiu simply declared after the speech that he expected something else: „You don’t come in the Parliament to hit the Parliament. The message should have been different”.

The head of the main Opposition party, Social Democrat Mircea Geoana also says that „Basescu lost an opportunity to establish a constructive and fair relationship with the Parliament, an institution which is not less legitimate than three years ago”.

Only 342 MPs participated in the common session yesterday, with 121 refusing to enter the room.

Same Evenimentul Zilei counts the effects of the crisis that lasted for more than four months: all parties lost, except for Democrats, while Basescu returned to his maximum popularity level.

The Democrat Party is now preferred by 53% of the electors, 21% more than in April. Social Democrats lost 4%, down to 13%, Liberals lost 5%, down to 10% and far right Great Romania lost 3%, down to 5%.

Basescu has no close competitor with his 60%. His ally, Liberal Democrat Theodor Stolojan has 32%, while Prime Minister Tariceanu enjoys the support of only 19% of the electors.

Meanwhile, Democrats – the main supporters of president Traian Basescu – gathered 110 out of the 116 signatures required to submit a motion against the Government and, eventually, form a new parliamentarian majority, Gandul reads.

But yesterday wasn’t quite a lost day for parliamentarians: the uninominal vote demanded by president Basescu 3 and a half months ago was largely approved. Basescu may call for a referendum on the theme, in case it is necessary, but it seems that most parties will vote in favor of such a law, Evenimentul Zilei informs.

A piece of news that made it to the front page in most newspapers refers to European Commissioner Franco Frattini who, supposedly, once again talked about Romania’s risk to have its Justice safeguarding clauses activated.

The subject was opened at the beginning of the week, with a rumor on Frattini being unhappy with the National Integrity Agency (ANI) law, which should allow the institution to check the wealth of dignitaries, but still establishes a political subordination.

Frattini’s spokesman denied the rumor and said the law will be „carefully analyzed”.

The new statement, if truly made, is old news in fact: both Franco Frattini, European Commissioner for Justice, and Olli Rehn, Enlargement Commissioner, repeatedly declared after Romania’s accession to the EU that safeguarding clauses must and will be activated in case there are solid grounds for the decision.

However, the newspapers quote an interview offered by Frattini for „European Voice”, some saying it was published (it was not), some saying it will be published on Friday, others simply quoting the rumor picked up from TV stations without a first quote.
