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What the newspapers say: June 18, 2007

Romanian newspapers on Monday describe extreme weather conditions facing Romania these days, combining extreme drought in some parts of the country with violent storms in others. Romania’s Foreign minister has confirmed two names for the seats of Ambassadors to Washington and London, as speculated by one paper last week.

And another quotes a maverick politician in Bucharest who accuses the main political group of ethnic Hungarians in the country of receiving money from Budapest.

Storms are killing people, but drought rules supreme, writes Gandul, speaking of a man-killing storm that affected Bucharest and other areas of Romania over the weekend and of a long period of drought that’s been affecting other regions for months.

The newspaper tells the story of a village in the county of Vaslui, Valea lui Darie, where all wells have gone dry and cattle are sold for nothing because it has become to expensive to feed them. According to the paper, Interior minister Cristian David visited the village yesterday, promising money to solve their water problem.

For its part, Romania libera blames global warming in reporting that the country is facing trouble with its wheat crops as it wouldn’t be able to cover its needs for the year, given the long period of drought and continuously higher grain prices on Romanian market.

The paper notes that the situation is not much different in other countries with the exception of Poland, the only country believed to report a boost in wheat production this year.

Meanwhile, Cotidianul shows more interest in politics and reports that Foreign minister Adrian Cioroianu, while criticizing named newspaper for revealing his nominees for the key seats of Ambassadors to Washington and London, confirmed the names on Saturday.

Cioroianu’s nomination as Ambassador to Washington is Iulian Buga, while Adrian Vierita is considered as possible head of mission to Britain.

In a TV show this weekend, he lauded Buga for dealing with the “difficult mission” as ambassador to Hague since 2001 in making the Dutch support Romania’s efforts to join the EU. He said Vierita was a worthy secretary of state within the Foreign Ministry.

Elsewhere in the newspapers today, Romania libera quotes maverick Romanian politician Cozmin Gusa, known for his “revelations” about so many things political, who this time accused the Hungarian Democrats (UDMR), the main political group of ethnic Hungarians in Romania, of receiving money from Budapest illegally.

His intervention comes as the Hungarian Foreign Ministry stood out last week to defend UMDR leaders having trouble with anti-graft prosecutors in Romania.

According to Gusa, as quoted by Romania libera, “Hungarian politicians pumped money in Romania and now they’ve seen their interests harmed by DNA inquiries”. DNA is the National Anti-Corruption Department, the main body dealing with corruption in Romania.

Also in the papers today:

Evenimentul Zilei reports a new case of suicide in Romanian schools – a pupil in the county of Buzau killed herself for not taking the first prize by the end of school year this week.

Evenimentul Zilei also reports that Vodafone will enter the Romanian fixed telephony market this week with its own wireless service that also allows for SMS. Its main competitors here are Romtelecom in terms of clients and RDS in terms of tariffs, according to the newspaper.

Adevarul reports that the main fiscal authority in Romania, ANAF, will establish its own fiscal intelligence service to collect personal fiscal data about each taxpayer in the country, as ANAF president Daniel Chitoiu says.

Cotidianul reports that a break-up is imminent between the leadership of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) in Bucharest and the leaders of a Transylvanian faction of the country’s main opposition party.

According to the paper, a threat by 43 party members in Cluj to resign from PSD is a sign of revolt against the current PSD leadership in Bucharest.

Cotidianul also writes that many MPs with a communist past have “cleaned up” their resumes so that any trace of their work for the communist regime be lost. According to the paper, many of them have resumes that suggest they started working in their fifties.