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Manhunt 2 – banned in the UK, available in Romania

UK authorities decided this week to ban the new Rockstar Games product, Manhunt 2, from any kind of commercialization. The game is considered by many as a true murder simulators. The US minors’ protection NGOs demand drastic measures against the sales of the game.

“Manhunt 2”, presenting the story of an escaped psychiatric patient, – is due for launching on the international markets on July 10, adapted for the Wii and PlayStation2 platforms. The game can currently be ordered on the Romanian online commercial platforms.

A „softer” trailer of Manhunt 2:

Players of “Manhunt 2” assume the role of a patient who kills all that stands in his way, using spectacular moves in case the right control buttons are hit at precise moments.

The banning of the game is the first decision of this kind taken in ten years by the British Board of Film Classifications (BBFC). The last game banned by the institution was the 1997 “Carmageddon”, where the player had to kill people using his car.

A Rockstar Games spokesman claims the decision is a form of censorship, since the consumers don’t have the chance to appreciate for themselves how „horror” the game is.

In Romania, the game can be ordered for 179 – 209 RON (50-65 euros), depending on the platform it is designed for.