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”Hot” EU promotional video stirs controversies (VIDEO)

EU representatives created a ”hot video”, in their intent to promote the European film-making shortly after the Union launched its own channel on YouTube. The video has already stirred a series of controversies due to its content, considered by some to be less orthodox.

EU officials support the video, arguing that their initiative is in accordance with the freedom of expression promoted by Brussels, reads EUObserver.

Sex scenes in European movies, depicted in the EU clip:

The video is a mixture of „hot” scenes from European made movies, named: movie lovers will love this! and presents several couples while making love. The clip ends with the appeal ‘Let’s come together’ – a message with clear sexual implications.

The ad is the first in a series of four which will be available in European cinemas to promote the MEDIA European fund which distributes European movie productions in EU member states.

Even though there are voices disgusted by the clip for its „obscenities”, the European movie-making witnessed its biggest promotion through YouTube as the link was accessed by 20.000 people a day.

European Commission’s spokesperson on media issues, Martin Selmayr, declared that he got lots of complaints from Polish people who declared themselves disgusted by the scene of two homosexuals making love. However, Selmayr defended the clip by saying that it presented only parts of awarded European movies.