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Heavy floods hit Moldova

Heavy rains caused massive floods in Moldova, where small rivers threaten to become torrents. Hundreds of homes were left without electricity, some people were evacuated and the city of Tecuci saw all streets covered by waters.

Several roads had to be closed and some villages are completely isolated after the storms on Wednesday.

The most difficult situations were recorded in the counties of Bacau, Vrancea, Galati and Vaslui.

In Tecuci, where the entire city is flooded, people were evacuated or found refuge at upper floors. The water level continued to rise through the night.

In the county of Vaslui, the city of Barlad suffered most losses. 63 people were evacuated because of the floods, while other tens were left without electricity.

In Galati, over 50 liters of rain fell in less than half an hour, also causing floods.

Update Five persons died and two were declared as missing in the floods that hit Moldova. Visiting the region, prime minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu criticized the local Police for their lack of reaction and admitted that „the damage is higher than we expected”.