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Analysts debate political storm sparked by Social Democratic opposition

The expected resignation of opposition leader Adrian Nastase as speaker of the Romanian House of Deputies sends shockwaves not only through the ranks of his own Social Democratic Party (PSD) but through the entire political spectrum. Two analysts have commented for on the implications of the move for PSD and Romanian politics in general.

Following a vote of rebuttal against Nastase by the leaders of PSD local branches last night, Nastase announced he would submit his resignation as House speaker and executive president of the PSD. His announcement is expected to come into effect on Thursday, as procedures require.

Wednesday morning, PSD president Mircea Geoana explained that while the current suspicions of graft surrounding the House speaker have tainted the image of the party, the problem of forever lower support for this political group among Romanians, as suggested by the latest opinion polls, „is not exclusively related to Nastase.

But we cannot dismiss it and that is why we made this decision” to force him resign.

Political analyst Cristi Ghinea has told that the crisis PSD goes through now would be over only when it becomes clear whether morality returns to the top leadership of the group or not. If answers don’t come out quickly on graft allegations against Nastase, the PSD will remain in a constant inner fight for party leadership, Ghinea said.

According to Sorin Ionita, head of the local NGO the Romanian Academic Society, believes the current trouble within the PSD shows the party cares too much about its image and should be interested more in providing efficient public policies.

„The PSD did not manage to reform itself alone, but with the help of the Judiciary. I’m afraid the process is just at the beginning and other PSD leaders will follow Adrian Nastase’s footsteps”, he told

He said the current fight for the position held so far by Nastase, as speaker of the House of Deputies, is not a major issue for the average Romanian. „It’s the duty of politicians to negotiate and share their positions in Parliament. But it’s our job as well to know that politicians have coherent programs to govern the country and push forward credible leaders”, Ionita said.

His comments came as a political struggle started between all major parliamentary parties who try to secure the position of House speaker held by Nastase so far. The debate stretches from who is entitled to take the seat to whom in the current governing alliance is supposed to run for the post.