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Basescu: the law is a guarantee that the modernization process of the educational system is irreversible

President Traian Basescu sustains a press conference on the law on education which he promulgated earlier after the Constitutional Court declared it constitutional. Follow his most important statements in the text.

Here are his most important statements

  • I would like to highlight some modifications in the educational system brought about by this law  
  • This is an important moment of reform in Romania 
  • The law represents the end of a 4 year debate on the matter  
  • The law, passed by the government is an important moment and a guarantee that the modernization of the educational system is irreversible  
  • Such a controversial law could not have possibly made everyone happy and one should not expect a perfect law Champions in this sector are union leaders, Mrs.

    Andronescu former Education minister and many others who also reformed at their time and whose results are seen now, after ten years I was compelled to promulgate the law politically, not only constitutionally  

  • The law is based on an agreement for education signed by all political parties and many organizations of the civil society  
  • It is regrettable that the first who signed this law, Senate’s Speaker Mircea Geoana became one of the fiercest voices against the law 
  • This is not the end of the reform, this is just the beginning of the modernization process  
  • The system focuses on students and pupils  
  • It includes parents, local community, professors and heads of education institutions as accountable for the quality of education 
  • The system begins decentralization as it becomes a part of the local community 
  • It allows efficiency in control  
  • The law stimulates competition between universities and schools and offers stability to the system   
  • The law ensures that the pupil’s family is actively involved in the organization of the school 
  • Parents will sign an educational contract with the school 
  • Parents are still responsible for the education of their children together with the professors the educational system will be focused on developing competencies not on gathering information 20% of the classes will be optional 
  • The education is mandatory for nine years Universities will receive finances based on their performances. 
  • There will be universities with their sole objective education, universities with their objective education and research and universities focused on education and advanced research 
  • Universities will be evaluated by international auditors, designated by the government 
  • Value will be the new criterion, replacing experience, that will determine who becomes a professor 
  • There are too many youngsters that are stuck as assistants while nepotism is the rule of the game in many universities 
  • I want to believe that the controversy on the draft law ended when the law was promulgated and everyone will help to its implementation 
  • The law limits the maximum number of teaching hour