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Call for graft inquiry on Romania Ex-Transport minister Mitrea

Romania’s National Anticorruption Department (DNA) requested the President’s permission to start investigations on the name of Miron Mitrea, an important member of the opposition Social Democratic Party (PSD) who served as Transport minister in the PSD Government of 2000-2004.

Mitrea faces charges including bribe-taking and use of forged documents in a case related to another one, in which ex-PSD prime minister Adrian Nastase is accused of corruption.

Early this week the DNA asked for a similar presidential approval for investigations in a new case involving Nastase.

Former Minister of Transportation, Miron Mitrea and Adrian Nastase were initially brought to justice in the same case. Recently, the accusations were split in distinct files.

The allegations relate the construction of a house attributed to Mitrea’s mother in a residential area popular among Bucharest’s political, business and showbiz VIPs.