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CNSAS members request new vote

Four members of the Securitate studies center CNSAS have requested that the vote for the presidency of the body be repeated, citing „a vice of confirmation” on behalf of the Democrats’ appointee Dan Lazea.

Mircea Dinescu, Romanian poet and journalist, and member of the CNSAS, says that Lazea has not voted freely, „he must have been constrained by something that terrorized him.”

On Thursday President Traian Basescu rejected publicly all accusations of interference with the CNSAS vote that he had been brought by the Liberals and the members of the CNSAS. Basescu reminded that under his presidency the archives of the CNSAS had been significantly enriched.

The members of the institution studying the Securitate archives voted Corneliu Turianu as its new head, instead of reputed anti-Communist Constantin Ticu Dumitrescu, prompting accusations of treason and political interventionism against a party of the governing coalition.

The government supported Dumitrescu for the job, but a member of the governing alliance, the Democratic Party, made a last minute intervention and proposed Turianu for the vote yesterday.

Ticu Dumitrescu considers that a meeting with president Traian Basescu is vital.

Protests continued on Thursday with CNSAS representatives and NGOs disapproving of Corneliu Turianu as president of the institution.