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Company accuses national wired telecom operator of abuse

The RCS&RDS company accuses the national wired telephony operator Romtelecom of impeding the capacity of inter-connection with RCS’s younger wired service. RCS claims its subscribers were unable to call on Romtelecom numbers for the whole last weekend. Contacted by, Romtelecom expressed surprise about the complaint.

RCS claims the Romtelecom stand was an abuse as over 150,000 clients were affected and the national service did not comply with its obligations towards partner services.

Romtelecom representative Dan Pazara told that there weren’t any problems with RCS connections anymore and said the RCS position was surprising as technical contacts during on Monday „delivered good results”.

Romtelecom is an overwhelming leader on the Romanian wired telecom maket with a share of about 85%. But while only 65,000 subscriptions were registered with alternative services by the beginning of 2005, the number rose to over 400,000 by the end of the year.