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Danuta Hubner: „Romania should have more respect for European norms”

Romania receives money from the European Commission in order to improve its infrastructure, the economy and re-qualify the labor force. Danuta Hubner, European commissioner for regional policies, offered an interview for, speaking about the way the money should be spent.

In the Interview, Hubner said that Romania receives some 20 billion euros between 2007 and 2013 for cohesion policies – cohesion funds, regional and social funds – and another 8 billion euros for agriculture.

Hubner sees the main problem in implementing the financing programs. As for priorities, the official says that the infrastructure and the re-qualifying of the labor force, as well as improving the competition climate are the most important areas.

Romania must strengthen its absorption capacity, the administration capacity and, what’s more important, its respect for the European norms in public procurements, environmental protection and respect of the law, Hubner said.

Fighting corruption and frauds are also seen as areas that need to be improved in the administration, yet regional funds seem to have already the mechanisms required to avoid frauds.