Deputy head of Romania governing party says coalition considers reduction of 16% flat tax, warns about energy security
The governing coalition in Romania will discuss in the upcoming weeks a set of economic measures which may include the reduction of the flat tax – currently set at 16% -, a cut in welfare contributions and symplified fiscal rules, Adriean Videanu, deputy head of the governing Democratic Liberal Party (PDL) told in an interview on Thursday.
He said Romania needed a brave governmental policy to encourage foreign capital flows and talked about of moves of fiscal relaxation to produce „a shock” in the economy”.
He said the measures were aimed at improving trust in the national economy, encouraging local capital and drawing more foreign capital.
And he said that had this set of measures been applied starting January 1, 2011, Romania would have have an economic growth of more than 3 percentage points this year.
Prior to the interview, he said in a Q&A session with readers that Romania would have a major problem with securing energy security starting May 2012 in case a plan to establish two major energy companies, Electra and Hidroenergetica, fails for various reasons.