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EU: member states should expel migrants individually

The European Union requested its members states that expulsions of European citizens be made on an individual basis and always be well-motivated, Romanian TV news channel Antena 3 informs.

The spokesperson of the EC Directorate for Justice, Civil Liberties and Security said that each expelled person has to have the right to appeal the decision and the measure cannot be implemented as long as the respective immigrant attacks the decision in court.

Justice Commissioner’s spokesperson Frisco Roscam Abbing said that collective expulsion decisions are forbidden.

However, the EU official avoided to argue whether the new Italian legislation ruling that immigrants having a violent history should be expelled respects the EU decision. The law has already been applied in the case of several Romanian migrants since Friday.

Romanian Foreign minister Adrian Cioroianu said on Monday that the Romanian Consulate in Milan received another seven orders of expulsion on the name of Romanian citizens. Cioroianu said that the main accusation against the seven citizens is that they did not have a legal household and their police records were tainted.

Cioroianu added that the Romanian state will pay a law firm to counsel Romanians requesting legal aid.