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European Commission, Romania telecom ministry in clash of statements over telecom regulator

Romania’s Telecom Ministry reacted on Wednesday to European Commission stated worries about Romania risking to break the European legislation over the lack of political independence of the national telecom regulator ANRCTI. According to the Ministry, the EC concerns are groundless.

In response, Commissioner Viviane Reding’s spokesman Martin Selmayr told on Thursday that the EC calls on the Romanian authorities to bring a draft law regulating ANRCTI “fully in line with EU law and not to adopt a law that could infringe the principle of independence, as enshrined in EU legislation”.

The Telecom Ministry in Bucharest said in a press release on Wednesday that the legislation regarding the Telecom market respected the European standards entirely. The statement came after Selmayr told that the European Commission considered that agency regulating the market as being under political influence.

Romanian ministry sources said that they received a letter from EC Commissioner Viviane Reding announcing that some information needed clarification.

The European Commission warned Romania that a fine may be applied for breaking the EU legislation, Selmayr had told Information was requested regarding recently approved amendments according to which ANRCTI is under the authority of the House of Deputies.

Romania risks millions of euro in fines for the lack of political independence for ANRCTI.

In his latest statements for on Thursday, Selmayr said “the Commission will present next Tuesday new EU Telecoms Rules that will reaffirm and further strengthen the independence of national telecom regulators”.