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Ex-official: Ford to wait for clarification in Automobile Craiova dispute until spring 2008

US car maker Ford may be ready to wait for spring next year for the situation related to the state support for Romanian plant Automobile Craiova, which is investigated by the European Commission, to clear up, a former Economy Ministry official said on Thursday, quoted by NewsIn.

Sebastian Vladescu, a former Economy minister turned state secretary within the same Ministry until his recent dismissal, said Ford may wait for the situation to cool down until March-April next year.

Earlier this month, the European Commission launched ain investigation into the privatization of Automobile Craiova as suspicions arose thatit was done through a tender where such conditions were applied as to lead to a lower selling price.

If the EC finds Romania breached the EU accession treaty by providing state assistance this way, Ford may ask for the annulment of the privatization contract.

Vladescu said he did not believe the privatization contract comes against European terms. The Romanian Government sent the first round of explanations on the Craiova privatization to the EU this week.